Last Show of this Series 29th July 2020. 6pm -8pm
Welcome to 1st Bucks Scout Radio Cubs, your virtual Cub pack! We’ll be broadcasting a live Cub evening on the air every Wednesday from 6-8pm, with games, activities, and even the chance to get virtual badges for taking part and interacting with us. Click here to listen live!
By email:
By Text or WhatsApp: 07960850650
Programme and Resources
Home Help Part 1, Mystery Sound , Murder Mystery Part 2, Battlecamp Rd 6 Space Quiz.= for the Astronomers Badge
Home Help Part 2, Mystery Sound, Murder Mysteryt Part 3, Battelcamps Rd 7. Disney Quiz and Intro to the Aviation Badge
Ed takes us through the Aviation Activity Badge Stage 1. Plus Battlecamp, Murder Mystery and Mystery Sound.
Aviation Badge Part 2 – Go to the red Button Below for info.
Battllecamp Rd 9 and the final Part of Murder Mystery – Who DONE IT???
Joseph is our Virtual DJ for the Night and we talk to Dave ref County Virtual Cub Camp .
Ruth Looks at the Photographers Badge
Round 10 of Battlecamp
Talk to Dave about the upcoming Cub Camp.
Plus Dont forget the Book Club at 7pm
Mainly a Games Night with an Update on Photographers Badge
Battlecamp Round 11
and Ben’s Mystery Sound.
Ruth Finishes the Photographwrs Badge and Ben starts the Naturust Badge.
Plus Battlecamp Round 12 and Stick Animals
We talk to Steve Baker the MP of Wycombe
Plus Ben takes us through the Nature Badge
Its a rollover for the Mystery Sound – 3rd Week
Battlecamp Rd13
Book Club Reviews at 7pm
Hopefully A talk from a person who can tell you how to look after you bike – Cyclist Badge.
Milly Talk Animation and Photographs.
Battlecamp Rd14.
Mystery Sound Rollover 4th Week.
7pm Book Club Review.
Catch up on other badges
Its our Last Show and we will have the normal Battlecamp (round 16)
The Mystery Sound
The Book Club
We look back at the 16 weeks and see what we have achieved.
Stay in touch with us and see what is next.
Listen Again
Cubs Buckaroo Desert Camp June 2020
Cub Desert Camp 27th – 28th June 2020
Link below to the YOUTUBE channels where you can watch again the event from both days
Book Review Club - Cubs
We are looking for Cubs to join our club to read books and review them on air.
We will supply some books to read but you can also review other books that you like or recommend.
To join the Club please email

Book Reviewers
Ailfie Smith Alex Turner
Eyitayo Dina Shaunak Kulkarni
Gruff Evans Seth Lowdon
Buck Mitchell Rebecca Halford
Ryan Adamson Isla Piper
Join 1st Bucks Scout Radio Cubs!
1st Bucks Scout Radio Cubs is your online pack, here to support you during the current situation in the world. If you'd like to be part of 1st Bucks Scout Radio, then just fill out the form below and we'll send you a digital badge! You can also be invested, by proving you know your promise. For that, you'll receive your very own 1st Bucks Scout Radio scarf/necker! Listen in to hear more about that.
Jack Tucker Alfie Smith
5th High Wycombe 1st Wolverton
Liam Melia Daisy Lewis
1st Princes Risborough 1st Chesham
Lucy Wright Charlotte Wright
Cheddington Cheddington
James Hook Jasper Cayley
1st Ganborough 1st Princess Risborough
Madeleine Buck Mitchell
1st Shipley 1st Ayslbury
Eyitayo Dina Ryan Adamson
12th Aylesbury 1st Crownhill
Joseph Heyes Seth Lowdon
4th Aylesbury 3rd Marlow Bridge(apache)
Alex Turner Rebecca Halford
3rd Aylesbury 1st Princess Risborough
Milly Wooster
4th Aylesbury
Battlecamp Catch Up:
Battlecamp is a camp similar to Battleships – but its a camp layout and we throw water bombs.
The idea is to destroy each others camps before they detroy yours. Goto the Green Battlecamp button on this page to download your grid reference and rules.
Each week we play Battlecamps and each week we broadcast 5 Grid References in an attempt to hit something in your Battlecamp layout, and each week you send me 5 grid references to hit my camp.
Grid References so far from me:
Rd1 – L3, D16, M7, A12, K20
Rd2 – m11, D7, G9, J15, L3
Rd3 – k19, L2, H20, A1, A20
Rd4 – A19, M10, D8, L1, 020
Rd5 – A18, H19, L19, B6, O1
Rd6 – K3, B20, A13, N11, E6
Rd7 - D6, O11, B19, H12, M20
Rd8 - B2, K18, O12, E2, J20
Rd9 - L20, L4, C20, B14, O13
Rd10 -J19, B6, N20, M4, G3,
Rd11 –A2, H11, H18, D14,E5
Rd12 -B15, C14, K4, L19, O10
Rd13 -I4, I5, F20, O14, A6
Rd14 -D5, C19, G2, F5, L1
Rd15 - M3, E7, J18, N19, N10
Rd16 - C15, C17, M19, A4, B10
Rd17 - B13, C13, I3, M13, L5
Rd18 - A14, A15, E4, B2, G20
Rd19 -F19, G19, L14, F5, D9 - Announce 17/8/20
Rd20 - Announce 24/8/20
Rd21 -
Plus an upto date report on the conditin of my Camp site. Its looking bad for my campsite with all you throwing bombs my way, here is an update.
Destroyed – cub tent
B4,5,6 B14,15,16 B9,10,11
C4,5,6 C14,15,16 C9,10,11
D,4,5,6 D14,15,16 D9,10,11
ALL Leaders Tent have been DESTROYED
L2,3 L5,6 L8,9
M2,3 M5,6 M8,9
N2,3 N5,6 N8,9
Kitchen Tent – Destroyed
FlagPole H10 Destroyed
Sick Tent Now Destroyed - M19, N19, 019
Destroyed Water Tap:O1
Jess: H4 Destroyed
Girls Toilets have been DESTROYED. C19
Boys Toilets have now been Destroyed B19
Still to find – Kate 1×1. Akela Chair 1×1. Fire 1×1. Log Store 1×2.